Thursday, February 14, 2008

Before and After



I can't believe how different Justin looks with his hair cut. He looks exactly like Trevor!! He has ALWAYS had long shaggy hair, so I am having a little bit of a hard time with this. I went and had it trimmed ang he looked like one of the "Beatle's" so Trent tried to trim it up a bit more while I was gone to the gym AHHHHH! I got home and wanted to cry it looked so bad. The next morning we rushed to super Cuts and the rest is history. Good thing his face is cute =]


Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

To clarify for everyone else that reads this, when Jamie said he looked like a beatle - she means he looked like one of the Beatles! He had this hilarious bowl cut! haha :) I have been pushing for them to cut his hair for a while, so I'm so excited. I think he looks soooooo big and old! You are darling Justin!

Anonymous said...

He looks exactly like Trev! I can't believe we can see his eyebrows -- they were always hidden! :)

Josh, Lindsie, and Ava said...

I think it looks cute, but I sure did love his longer hair too. I think it just added to his michevious personality. Now he is trouble in disguise.

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Absolutely Gorgeous -(SNL Flashback) haha - he is the minnie me to Trevor, what Hotty boys!